How To Get Rid Of Your Oily Skin In Three Days
Are you one of the millions who struggle with oily skin? If so, you probably want to know how to get rid of the oil that causes bothersome skin conditions such as acne(pimples).
With remedies such as Aloe Vera, Honey and Rice flour you have nothing to worry about because you'll be amazed on how smooth and oil-free your skin will be after applying a mixture of the above mentioned remedies on your skin.
Aloe Vera
Rice flour
Procedure for preparing the mixture
Step one
Wash aloe vera and squeeze it's gel into a clean bowl.Step two
Pour rice flour into the bowl and mix thoroughly till a paste is formedStep three
Add honey and mix wellStep 4
Wash your face with lukewarm water and apply the mixture on your face . Leave mixture on your face for 30-45 minutes and wash away with lukewarm water too.Do this for three days and experience a wonderful transformation on your skin.
Really helpful